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Branding Guidelines

The City of Augury Emblem is at the center of our visual identity. It’s vital that these guidelines are always applied consistently. Always reproduce the emblem according to specifications in these guidelines. For reproduction purposes, always use the digital artwork supplied.


The preferred emblem color is the one-color Augury Sand Khaki solid version. This version should be used for all digital communication materials whenever possible. When the emblem is placed against a light color background, an Augury Ocean Phthalo colored emblem should be used. A black emblem should only be used on pure white backgrounds.



The size of the emblem may vary depending on the application. To ensure legibility, the minimum size at which the emblem should be reproduced is 1/2 inch tall. To give full impact to the signature, do not crowd it. Let it stand apart from surrounding text and imagery. The minimum required clear space surrounding the signature is 1/2 X (“X” is the height of the emblem).

The original artwork depicted in the official City of Augury Emblem is the intellectual property of the artist and is protected by copyright laws. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of this artwork without the artist's permission is strictly prohibited. The City of Augury Emblem may be used for non-commercial purposes with attribution.


augury emblem pthalo.png
augury emblem deep pthalo.png
augury emblem black.png
augury emblem sand khaki.png

Raster Logos:

Vector Logos:


Augury Ocean Phthalo is the foundation of Augury's visual identity. In most cases it will be the background behind the logo in white or Augury Sand Khaki. Our primary palette consists of two colors: Augury Ocean Phthalo, and Augury Sand Khaki. Two shades of Augury Ocean Phthalo: Augury Benthic Phthalo and Augury Light Phthalo, may be used for contrast and emphasis. Other shades and gradients of these colors may be used if necessary.White may be used instead of Augury Sand Khaki when appropriate.

Augury Ocean Phthalo


Augury Sand Khaki


Augury Benthic Phthalo


Augury Light Phthalo



Headers and Titles are created using Breamcatcher Regular, a free-use all-caps Art Deco typeface created by Typodermic Fonts. Body copy is usually set in Poiret One, a Google font designed by Denis Masharov primarily using the Normal weight. Other sans-serif fonts may be used for larger  blocks of body copy. Use Bold or Italics as necessary to establish visual emphasis to parts of body copy, as needed.

Breamcatcher Regular

Poiret One

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